Hustle With Heart


Unlock your Purpose.

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving success often leaves us feeling like there’s something more, something deeper we’re meant to explore. That's exactly what WTHN Coaching’s 4-Month Breakthrough Program is designed to address. It’s not just about climbing the ladder; it’s about ensuring it’s leaning against the right wall. If you've ever found yourself wondering, "Is this all there is?" — you're in the right place.

our promise.

Imagine a life where your achievements are not just a collection of accolades, but stepping stones towards a deeply fulfilling existence. Where every relationship enriches you, your work leaves a mark, and your daily life resonates with your deepest values. That's the promise of our 4-month program. We’re here to guide you from wondering what could be, to living a life filled with purpose, integrity, and impact.


This isn’t your typical coaching program. We blend the latest and most effective tools and strategies from psychology, self-development, entrepreneurship, and leadership to forge a new framework for living. Our bespoke journey is meticulously designed for DREAMERS AND high-achievers who crave more than external success — those who are ready to unlock their unique purpose, amplify their impact, and align their external success with their internal fulfillment.

Over four transformative months, you’ll dive into weekly group coaching sessions that challenge and inspire, receive personalized guidance through private 1:1 mentoring, engage with weekly workbooks that deepen your learning, gain unlimited access to our complete WTHN course library, and join a network of supportive peers in our private community. Together, we’ll embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and profound change.

Hear what past students are saying…

Ready to embrace a life of meaning and fulfillment? A life where hustle meets heart and your actions reflect your true self? join our waitlist today! Space in our Breakthrough Program is limited; we believe in providing an intimate, personalized experience for each of our students. Don’t miss out on the next opportunity to transform your life from the inside out.

Establishing my core values has completely changed how I interact with my world, how and who I see myself as. The concept of reframe, while I’ve been fully familiar with it, the way it was presented in WTHN allowed me to actually put it into practice, and not just have it be a concept. Now I see my life and possibility through a completely different lens. I used to give myself the responsibility of everyone, and pleased everyone, and was so confused why I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in life. Now I understand that I can exist is my self-sovereignty, and all that I do, or don’t do, is in my power, as it always has been. I really feel that participating in WTHN was me pushing the reset button on my brain. I’m now moving forward with a fresh mind, fresh vision, and feel so much more that I am living into my purpose, on purpose.
— Alexa W. (Aurora, CO)
I learned so much here. I started to get to the root of some of my self-sabotaging behaviors. I realized that I am the biggest thing holding me back. And that I thrive in a place where I can truly be myself. Now, my life looks and feels different. I make decisions with a more educated “purpose.” I try to have my core values drive most of what I do, even down to the most simple daily activities. “Does this serve me?” “Does this align with my vision and values?” I have gotten to take a better look inside my soul through the eyes of others and the support I found here on my journey was unmatched by any other group I have ever been a part of.
— Shannon K. (Ballston Lake, NY)
Before WTHN, my life was quickly downhill spiraling with no hope of stopping it. I was freshly out of the depths of postpartum and was still learning how to be a mom for the first time, I was struggling in my relationship with my daughters father and I felt like I was fighting to stay above water, everything felt like it was crumbling around me. I was seeing a therapist who diagnosed me with manic depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality. I felt like my identity had been rocked and I was floating in the vast unknown of who I really am living with these diagnoses. I experienced skyscraper highs and ocean depth lows with no real middle ground, no stability, and no place to get my footing. It felt like an endless void that I would never escape. Medication has its place, and it took the darkness away but I still felt like I was living in constant shadows and grey clouds. It felt like something was missing and I couldn’t grasp it, no matter how hard I tried.

Until I discovered and unearthed my core values: Authenticity, growth, and wholeheartedness. Three simple words that gave me the solid ground I needed to start rebuilding my life and my identity.

With my operationalized core values I have experienced what can only be described as sunlight on my skin after a lifetime of darkness. The lows have risen and the highs have been tamed and I am, for the first time in my life, breathing in the bliss that comes with regulation and stability. I feel calmer, steadier, grounded, and free from the chains that have shackled me for so long.

I view opportunities and decision making with such a clear lens that the answers are almost a no brainer, whereas before I would have gotten lost in the internal chatter that has haunted me for most of my life. I have stabilized my relationships with my loved ones but most importantly I have stabilized and flourished the relationship with myself. I have gained trust with myself, I have gained love with myself, and I have gained power in my story and in my experiences.

My life is forever changed because of the work you two put into WTHN and your mentorship with me. Thank you for creating space that has allowed me to not only grow but blossom into the woman, daughter, partner, and mother I was always destined to be.
— Janel S. (Houston, TX)


Unlock Your Purpose,

Transform Your Life.

Unlock Your Purpose, Transform Your Life.


  • WTHN Coaching is a four-month commitment to total life transformation. Group coaching calls are held on a weekly basis, Mondays at 4pm MST. Each call is 60-90 minutes; recorded and available for additional viewing by group members. Along with your time, we require complete energetic investment into the program with high levels of engagement and implementation.

  • WTHN Coaching includes a total of 16 group coaching calls (including teaching, workshopping, and Q&A sessions), 8 private 1:1 mentoring calls for personalized support, weekly action and integration workbooks, lifetime access to past courses, a Slack community with the current coaching cohort, daily access to your coaches via Slack, and outside resource recommendations. This is a total life transformation program. Everything covered during calls will be supplemented with additional lifestyle, mindfulness, business-building activities, including; reading, meditation, cold exposure, business systems, marketing funnels, and more.

  • No. Here's why: Changing your life and achieving your goals requires 100% commitment to the inner work, your purpose, and your Future Self. When you sign up for this program, you are investing in your Future Self and burning the boats to what’s keeping you stuck. This is the point of no return. Throughout the four months, you will be radically transforming your identity, your relationships, your career, and your life. We believe in you. It's time for you to believe in yourself, too.